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How to Remove Stains from Men's Shirts? Practical Methods!

How to Remove Stains from Men's Shirts? Practical Methods!

Shirts are an indispensable part of our daily lives with their elegance and comfort. However, men's shirts in particular can encounter various stains over time. Food and drink stains, sweat stains, oil marks, grass and ink stains can dirty your shirts and make them unusable. Fortunately, there are many practical methods to remove these stains. Cleaning stains on men's shirts can be quite simple with the right techniques and materials.


1. Food and Drink Stains

Food and drink stains are the most common stains on shirts. Especially substances such as coffee, tea, fruit juice and ketchup can leave permanent marks on your shirt. You can follow these steps to remove such stains:


The most effective method is to intervene in the stain as soon as it is fresh. First, pour cold water on the stain and gently wipe it with a clean cloth.

Pour some liquid dishwashing detergent on the stain. Detergent helps dissolve oil and dirt.

After waiting a few minutes, rinse with cold water. If the stain is still not gone, you can try cleaning it again by adding a teaspoon of white vinegar or baking soda.

Finally, wash your shirt as normal.

2. Sweat Stains

Sweat is a common stain, especially in the summer months, under the arms of men's shirts. These stains can turn yellow over time and cause bad odors. There are several effective methods to clean sweat stains.


Clean sweat stains by rinsing them with cold water while the stain is fresh. Water helps to clean the sweat before it penetrates the fabric.

In addition, applying baking soda or vinegar to the stain can prevent sweat odor and yellowing.

Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water in a bowl. Apply this mixture to the stain and wait for 30 minutes.

Then rinse with cold water. Check if the stain is gone, if there are still traces, repeat the process once more.

3. Oil Stains

Oil is one of the most common and difficult to remove stains on men's shirts. Especially when eating or coming into contact with an oily surface, it can leave permanent stains on your shirt.


If the oil stain is fresh, first wipe off the excess oil with a paper towel. However, you should be careful not to spread the oil and only remove the excess.

You can use materials such as baking soda or cornstarch to clean the oil stain. Sprinkle one of these materials on the stain and wait 10 minutes. This will help absorb the oil.

Then, gently massage some liquid detergent onto the stain and rinse with cold water.


4. Grass and Soil Stains

When you spend an active day outside, grass or soil stains can form on your shirt. These types of stains can often be difficult, but they can be cleaned with the right method.


When you encounter a grass or soil stain, first remove the excess on the stain with a paper towel.

Pour some soapy water on the stain and gently brush it with a brush or old toothbrush. This will help loosen the dirt in the fabric.

Then, try to get rid of the stain completely by rinsing with cold water. Vinegar can also be quite effective for grass stains.

5. Ink Stains

Ink stains can get on your shirts, especially when writing with a pen. These types of stains can sometimes be difficult to remove, but they can be cleaned with the right materials.


Pour alcohol or vinegar on the ink stain. Alcohol helps to dissolve the ink and remove it from the fabric.

After pouring some alcohol on the stain, gently wipe it with a clean cloth. Check if the stain is gone.

If the ink still leaves a mark, repeat the same process a few times.

6. Special Tips for White Shirts

Stains on white shirts can sometimes be more noticeable and may not be removed with normal washing. You can use bleaching products for such stains.


You can use oxygenated water or bleaching detergent for stains on white shirts. Oxygenated water is quite effective in removing stains on white clothes.

Pour some oxygenated water on the stain and wait 15-20 minutes, then wash normally.


7. Preventive Measures

Preventing stains on your shirt can make cleaning easier. You can follow these simple steps to prevent stains:

Consume food and drinks carefully, especially protect your clothes by using a tablecloth or cover.

Using an apron or protective clothing while wearing your shirt can also prevent it from getting dirty.

In addition, cleaning your shirts regularly and removing stains immediately can prevent bigger problems.

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